Treatment costs

An initial visit usually lasts 60-90 minutes and includes a detailed history, diagnosis and treatment. Follow-up treatments last 50-60 minutes.

  • Billing with tariff 590
  • Cost per 5 minutes 13.00.-

The treatment method depends on the complaints and usually includes a combination of different applications. As a rule, treatments last an average of 4-6 consultations. More treatments may also be needed for chronic conditions.

Reimbursement through supplementary insurance

As a registered therapist with the Naturärzte Vereinigung Schweiz NVS and the Erfahrungsmedizinisches Register EMR, the treatment costs are covered proportionally by the private supplementary insurance for complementary medicine (VVG).

It is advisable to clarify the cost coverage with the health insurance company before starting treatment. You can also register directly with me without a doctor’s prescription.