Treat sleep problems with TCM

What if milk with honey, valerian or relaxation exercises no longer help with insomnia and the insomnia becomes chronic? Everyone suffers from insomnia at some point, but lack of sleep over a long period of time can have serious health consequences. The consequences can be symptoms such as a weakened immune system, irritability, nervousness, overstimulation and exhaustion, muscle pain or problems with concentration.

Restful sleep is the key to a physically and mentally healthy life. While we sleep, important wound healing processes take place, the immune system stabilizes, our cells regenerate, and children grow. When we sleep, our brain is cleared out, impressions and experiences of the day are sorted, discarded and saved. Sleep is a physiological and psychological reset!

Sleep disorders can have a negative impact on all areas of life. Instead of resorting to sleeping pills, a holistic treatment approach is recommended to ensure lasting improvement. Make an appointment for a comprehensive initial consultation. This allows us to create a suitable treatment plan for you based on an individual diagnosis.

The following TCM patterns are often found to be the cause of sleep disorders:

Yin deficiency:

  • Unrest
  • Nervousness
  • Night sweats
  • advanced age

Blood deficiency:

  • Dry skin
  • Visual disturbances
  • Muscle spasms, sensory disturbances
  • Concentration disorders
  • Dizziness
  • Exhaustion

Food stagnation with development of mucus and/or heat